Enbiosis Test - AI-based Microbiome Analysis

R 5,750.00


The Enbiosis Test has been developed to work with an AI algorithm that holistically evaluates the relationship between trillions of gut bacteria and general health parameters to create an optimal, personalised diet strategy that transforms each individual’s microbiome profile to a healthier state.

This AI-powered Microbiome Analysis and Personalised Diet Plan has helped thousands of patients with their GUT issues and provides you with insight into what could be driving your GUT-related health problems such as:

  • Skin disorders
  • Immune problems
  • Weight resistance
  • Inflammation
  • Allergies
  • Ageing

Please note

The feedback consultation with our health coach and certified Endosis practitioner is NOT included in the test. 

Practitioner Certification


  • Gut Microbiome Analysis
  • Disease Tendencies
  • Personalized Food Scores
  • Personalized Prebiotic & Probiotic Suggestions
  • Mobile Application

How does it work?

At Enbiosis, we employ AI technology to investigate the complex world of your gut microbiome. This is how it works:

SAMPLE: Our contracted laboratories conduct the Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) analysis on your submitted sample.

DATA: Enbiosis software processes the raw DNA data.

RESULTS: The data processing determines which bacterial groups live in a person’s gut at the taxonomic level.

CONNECTIONS: The results also define these bacterial groups’ ecological and functional relationships and how they interact.

REPORT: The details of the microbiome analysis are provided in the Enbiosis Microbiome Analysis Report.

Sample type

Stool sample

Turnaround time

6 weeks