Sulforaphane Active


Natroceutics Sulforaphane Complex combines two powerful bioactives, Sulforaphane and TetraSOD® to deliver potent effects on detoxification and cellular defence pathways in the human body. This is achieved in large through the activation of the Nrf2 signalling pathway which is known to regulate more than 250 genes.

Sulforaphane is well recognized as a potent activator of Nrf2 and forms the base of our product. Our understanding of Sulforaphane is supported by thousands of published studies where 39 distinct health mechanisms are recognised. 

Our sulforaphane yield is a clinically supported 10mg dose and is delivered through Glucoraphanin + Myrosinase from broccoli sprouts.  

Our product is then further enhanced by a novel breakthrough in human health, TetraSOD®. This patented, freeze-dried, green marine microalgae, Tetraselmis chuii, has been clinically shown to upregulate Nrf2, increase primary antioxidants (SOD, CAT, GPx), and reduce pro-inflammatory biomarkers (IL-1B, TNF, NF-kB).   

Together this ultimate pairing provides powerful Nrf2 activation with a cascade of benefits to human health.


  • Support Gastrointestinal Function
  • Detoxification
  • Cellular Defence
  • Increase Glutathione, SOD, Catalase
  • Protects DNA
  • Supports Healthy Aging
  • Healthy Inflammatory Response

Use | Directions

 One capsule per day.

Medical disclaimer

Nothing on our website should be construed as medical advice and we encourage you to obtain professional advice before taking any action on the strength of information, ideas, or opinions expressed on this website. The products are not intended to cure or prevent any condition and we recommend that you contact your personal physician or doctor prior to the consumption of any product. We make no representations or warranties regarding the efficacy and/or suitability and/or fitness for the purpose of the product including in connection with any condition.