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Phosphatidylethanolamine N-Methyltransferase (PEMT) is an enzyme encoded by the PEMT gene which is responsible for the conversion of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) into phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the liver. PC is a key component of the flexible cell membranes which surround every cell in our body and therefore plays an important role in cellular defence.

Most of your PC comes from your diet, however, PEMT is able to synthesize PC directly meaning it is thought to play an important role in providing PC during times of starvation. As part of its activity, PEMT produces homocysteine, which plays an important role in the MTHFR gene-related health issues. It is therefore important for you to consider both your PEMT and MTHFR genotypes to determine your overall function. 

PEMT activity is especially important in the liver (to help produce bile) and the brain (choline has a critical role in neurotransmitter function because of its impact on acetylcholine and dopaminergic function).

If you carry a high-impact variation in this gene, you may be predisposed to decreased phosphatidylcholine, slower bile flow, muscle function, liver, and brain function.

It is important for you to add 400 mg of choline, green tea, and SAMe to your daily health choices. This is especially true for women after menopause if your homocysteine levels are high or you have disequilibrium in your neurotransmitter urine metabolites.