
What kind of tree are you?

Margie GanderAug 23, '20

Imagine yourself as a tree! Your tree is a great representation of your health.The "roots" of your tree represent your genes, your mitochondrial DNA, and heritable epigenetic markers. The "soil" surrounding your "roots" represents your diet, your environment, and lifestyle choices - what you are exposing your genes too. Your...

Your mighty thyroid

Margie GanderJul 6, '20

Often my clients ask me whether their thyroid could be causing their weight gain, or contributing to their struggle to lose weight or be the root cause as to why they feel tired and moody. The answer to all these questions is "yes". But it is a little more intricate than this. Let's...

How Genes and Lifestyle Impact Male Health

Kate ScottJun 18, '20

Men are notorious for not wanting to ask for help. From “taking the scenic route” while driving, to not reading the manual when assembling a new piece of furniture, but particularly when it comes to their health. It’s not just a stereotype, statistics show that less men visit their GP...

8 ways to keep your immune system healthy

Kate ScottJun 3, '20

Although you can’t “boost” your immune system to perform at superhuman levels, there are many factors that contribute both positively and negatively to a healthy functioning immune system.  By now most of us know how to try to avoid picking up viruses and other pathogens (big word for any organism...

Oxidative load

Margie GanderMay 31, '20

When we think about oxidative stress and how it can make us age faster. I know that when I think of this, I picture an apple going brown and immediately think of my wrinkles! I also wonder what could be going on in the inside too. Oxidative stress occurs when excess...