Often when we think of getting sick, we think of our bodies being invaded by invisible viruses and bacteria from the "the dangerous & dirty" microbial world that surrounds us. We often neglect to make the connection that toxins act in the same way, with our bodies having to launch a...
Do I have the immune genotype?
Margie GanderFeb 12, '21
I enjoyed chatting to Henri at Die Groot Ontbyt oN KYKNET about the benefits of personalising your immune health choices from your DNA up! Understanding "how" your body responds to "invasions" goes a long way in helping you to make choices that will optimize your immune function across the 4 main...
Powerful protein
Margie GanderOct 19, '20
I see a lot of people in my Functional Medicine Coaching practice that are not consuming enough protein. I can relate, as this as it is a daily struggle for me too! When I ask them to track their macronutrient (fat, carbs and protein) for a few days, a pattern...
Murray's Story
Margie GanderOct 13, '20
My collapse into “Major Depressive Disorder and Generalised Anxiety Disorder”, as diagnosed by one of my psychiatrists, happened in September 2017. I was working seven days a week from 6am to 10pm everyday using stimulants to keep up the pace and then sleeping tablets to quickly fall asleep. That September, it all came...
Do I have the RIGHT fatty acids in my body?
Margie GanderSep 21, '20
Fats can be confusing. Many of my clients ask me: "should I be eating a low-fat diet?" or "if I supplement with omegas, should I take omega 3, 6, and 9?" or "if I have high, bad cholesterol, should I be supplementing with omega 3?". These are all great questions, so let's...