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PPARGC1A (otherwise known as PGC-1α) is a co-activator of PPAR-gamma and other nuclear hormone receptors and plays an essential role in energy homeostasis. It is involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, adipocyte differentiation, glucose utilisation, thermogenesis, angiogenesis, and muscle fibre type conversion towards type I fibres. It is expressed in tissues with high energy demands and is therefore abundant in mitochondria and is consequently associated with endurance performance. It appears that the activation of PPARGC1A may mediate the initial phase of the exercise-induced adaptive increases in muscle mitochondria. Additionally, the subsequent increase in the PPARGC1A protein sustains and enhances the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis that is associated with exercise training.

If you carry the A-allele is associated with lower levels of PPARGC1A and consequently reduced aerobic improvements with exercise training when compared to the glycine allele (G allele). Following 9 months of training, the A allele was linked to less aerobic improvements in comparison to the G allele.
AA individuals also had a lower VO2max (therefore endurance capacity) than
GG individuals. Furthermore, the A allele was found to be less frequent among endurance athletes. PPARGC1A GG genotypes were more frequently found in elite endurance athletes compared to sprinters and control subjects.

If you carry the GG genotype, then you should focus on including endurance-style training in your programme.