Rhodiola Bioactive


The plants used in our Natroceutics Rhodiola Bioactive grow wild in the Altai Mountain region in Siberia. We have collaborated with leading experts that have over 25 years of experience working with Rhodiola rosea and were the first to produce a stable and standardised extract. Not only are they experts in the science and extraction of rhodiola, but also their sustainable harvesting and support for the local environment and its people.


  • Reduce the impact of stress
  • Anxiety + Mood regulation
  • Improve Recovery
  • Reduce Fatigue
  • Improve Physical Performance & Endurance
  • Supports Cognition

Use | Directions

Adults 18 years and older. Take 1 capsule per day on an empty stomach. 

Medical disclaimer

Nothing on our website should be construed as medical advice and we encourage you to obtain professional advice before taking any action on the strength of information, ideas, or opinions expressed on this website. The products are not intended to cure or prevent any condition and we recommend that you contact your personal physician or doctor prior to the consumption of any product. We make no representations or warranties regarding the efficacy and/or suitability and/or fitness for the purpose of the product including in connection with any condition.